The Journey of Wealth: From D to E to F
Introduces the three stages of the journey of wealth
The 10 Roads to Riches
The paths for people to become wealthy commonly fall into three categories..
So far..
So far, I have written about wellbeing – objective and subjective. Objectively, our wellbeing is about the things we need in order to have a good life. I have introduced a model for objective wellbeing, called the happiness calculator. I have used the happiness calculator to show that it makes sense to focus on those…
The mind is its own place
How powerful is our mind in determining our happiness? More powerful than most of us would believe.
Where to focus for the most wellbeing
In the last post, we saw a simple happiness calculator: This calculator computes our wellbeing as a geometric average of the degrees to which our basic needs are met. In the above picture, the basic needs are health, love, respect and wealth. If any of these basic needs is completely unmet, then the person becomes…
A Simple Happiness Calculator
A simple formula to calculate your wellbeing.